Category: Acquiring Other Franchises

Dec 19
(FS11) Securing Your New Franchise Location in a Brand New Area

This wasn’t talked about too much in Getting Your Franchise Started because you really don’t want to chart into uncharted territory on your first time out. An inexperienced captain (or rather, a deck swabber?) shouldn’t get on the boat for the first time and look for the biggest question mark on the map to go […]

Dec 12
(FS11) Researching Different Options for Multi-Franchise Ownership

So you’ve been through this before when you purchased your first location. You know what you should look for in the neighborhood, traffic patterns, and surroundings stores. You know the many different forms a storefront can come in and what their pros/cons are. If you were keeping a journal back then of the places you […]

Dec 05
(FS11) Crunching the Numbers for Your Many Franchises

So you’re already paying fees to your franchisor and as you add additional stores to your belt, those fees will go up. You will more than likely have to pay a higher royalty fee for each franchise that you own. You might have other dues that are required as well, but that should all be […]

Nov 28
(FS11) Where Does the Franchise Agreement Fit into Everything?

You’ve been running your store for a while so it might be hard to recall the exact wording in the franchise agreement. You’ll be getting in contact with your franchisor if you’re thinking of purchasing another franchise, so you should read up on the agreement to prepare yourself before you talk to your franchisor. You […]

Nov 21
(FS11) The Good Versus the Bad in Owning Franchises

The more you put into something, the more you’re going to get out of it. The same thing can be said about franchises. More franchises means more opportunities to make money, but it also means there’s a larger risk factor and there is more to lose. On the plus side, you’ll have gone through everything […]

Nov 14
(FS11) Being the Owner of Multiple Successful Franchises

For many franchisees, one franchise isn’t enough. In fact, many franchisees think about owning multiple franchises before they they start franchising. Some step in ready to acquire multiple location within a year or two while others wait a while before asking their franchisor for another. Some franchisees even get into franchising prepared to become ‘franchise […]