Bringing a new product to a national marketplace can be extremely fun and fulfilling, but it can also be frightening if your product isn’t already out there. Even if your product does well in the city or state that it started, there’s sometimes no way to tell how well it will do, even if you sell pet franchises elsewhere. The right marketing strategies aren’t just needed when you have your store open and you’re selling to an established customer base, but they’re needed when you’re placing franchises in new areas. With the right marketing strategies, pizza franchises can have the upper hand in otherwise anti-pizza areas (or areas where pizza isn’t that big of a deal). Here are some of the best things you can do for your new product.
People are going to be iffy when it comes to a new product. They haven’t seen cupcakes filled with jello and a cherry before, so you’re going to be making the first impression. You only get to do that once. As you build your pet franchises out, make top quality of your service or product key because it doesn’t matter how many customers you get at opening if 70% of them find the quality lacking and will not come back.
With the age of technology upon us, it’s not too hard to get your message posted somewhere public. However that doesn’t necessarily mean your pet franchises will reap the attention you want them to. Check out what other companies or individuals have done to go viral online and see if you can’t use the same or similar concepts and build your business into it.
When you’re placing pet franchises, research on the surrounding market and what’s popular is going to be incredibly important. Without the proper research, you may have no idea what’s selling or what your competition may be. You might look at a certain area an see absolutely no competition, then place your franchise only to realize it’s not in demand there and you can’t support the market. If your product is something brand new that is not being sold elsewhere, it’s up to you to create a demand for your product.
If you use a special ingredient or add a little special kick to your service, use it as an attention grabber. Don’t leave your best in the closet to become a surprise later on. You have one chance to entice your customer base. As you build your viral videos or do extra marketing for your pet franchises, use that twinkle in your brand’s step to catch the eyes of those who pass by – If not just for the curiosity of doing something different.