Category: Building Your Customer Base

Aug 28
The Effectiveness of Franchise Tradeshows and Strategies for Maximizing Results

Franchise tradeshows are a cornerstone of the franchising industry, offering franchisors a unique platform to showcase their business models, connect with potential franchise buyers, and network with industry professionals. These events are highly effective for selling franchises, provided they are approached strategically. This guide will explore the effectiveness of franchise tradeshows, identify the best tradeshows […]

Oct 24
(FS10) Franchise Impressions Set By Non-Products In Your Business

When customers walk into your franchise, it’s clear that they’re thinking of a specific product or service that they can find at your brand. They come for the burger, the vacuum, and the reliable brand name products—but there are other things that make the experience more so than your inventory.  As a franchise owner, you […]

Oct 17
(FS10) Maintaining Good Relationships as a Part of Franchise Business

There’s no better way to end a customer relation than to lie for your gain. If you’re looking to build your customer base and keep them coming back for more, be honest in every interaction. Don’t try to cheat your customers out for the money in the now as it can end in larger costs […]

Oct 10
(FS10) Respecting the Customer Base of Your Franchise Company

While you maintain your franchise, keep an eye on your franchisor and where they place their attention. Is it customers before the franchise or franchise before the customers? You should have found this out prior to applying for any franchise, but if you didn’t, that’s okay. This just helps you find out where their attention […]

Oct 03
(FS10) Franchise Advertisements Will Effect Your Public Relations

Public relations officials say that using PR to keep your brand in front of the customer is not only cost-effective, but can significantly increase your target audience’s brand recall which can bring them back to you time and time again when they’re in need of a product that your company happens to offer. Non-paid media […]

Sep 26
(FS10) If Your Franchise Doesn’t Have National Advertising

There are many reasons why a franchise might not have any large scale advertising campaign or fund setup for it. The most common reason is a lack of national stores. That doesn’t mean you can’t work with your franchisor or spearhead your own local advertising campaign. If your franchisor is getting ready to expand, keep […]

Sep 19
(FS10) Evaluating National and Local Franchise Advertising Strategies

If you’re not the best at advertising, don’t worry. It’s not all on your shoulders. Most major franchisors actually lead in regional and national advertising campaigns. That’s where part of your royalty (and other franchisees) royalty checks go. If your franchisor is newer, smaller, or doesn’t offer that, they should at least offer guidelines and […]

Sep 12
(FS10) Methods to Keep Your Franchises in Front of Your Audience

There are a lot more ways to keep yourself in the public eye and market your franchises with positive results.   Keep Your Name in Front of the Customers You can start off slowly because constant advertising can be very expensive, but talk to your franchisor and work with them on creating a campaign that […]

Sep 05
(FS10) Creating an Effective Marketing Plan for Your Franchises

So far we’ve covered everything from the first moment the idea of owning a franchise bubbles into your mind to now having it built. You know about your community support, your rights, and what to look for in your territory. So now that your store is built and you’re ready to open, the question is […]